Ethereum: Sharing data between binance twisted.internet websocket and asyncio thread

Here is an example article on the creation of a websocket connection between Binance and Thread Asyncio internet websockets:

Ethereum: Sharing data between Binance and Thread Asyncio’s internet websockets

Since the popularity of Ethereum continues to grow, the demand for reliable and efficient ways also to interact with its underlying infrastructure. One of these examples is the creation of a websocket connection using Binance’s Internet Websocket Library and the Asyncio thread in Python.

In this article, we will explore how to create a websocket server on Binance that recovers the data from their bees (Binance API) and sends them to an Asyncio thread for processing.


Before immersing us in the code, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  • Python 3.6+

  • Binance’s Twisted Internet Websocket Library (`Twisted)

  • The bookshop Asyncio


Here is a step-by-step example of how to create a websocket server on Binance that recovers the data from their bees and sends them to an Asynci thread:


From Binance.Websockets Import BinancesCKetManager

Matters asyncio

Matters Json

Define the URL for the Binance API (replace with your API key)

Binance_api_url = “


Def __init __ (self):

Self.socket_manager = BinancesocketManager (binance_api_url, on_open = self.on_open)

Async Def On_open (Self, Socket):

Wait for socket.Send (“connected”)

Async Def Manding_Message (Self, Message):

PRINT (F “Message received: {Message}”)

Async Def Main ():

Create a websocket server

WS_Server = WebsCKETSERVER ()

Define the Asyncio events cycle

choir = asyncio.get_event_loop ()

Start the asynchronous activity to send data to the Asyncio thread

Async Def Send_data_to_thread ():

While it is true:

Message = abveat ws_server.socket_manager.Recv ()

If Message.Startswith (“disconnection”):


Analyzes and processes the message received

Data = json.loads (Message)

PRINT (F “Data received: {Data}”)

Simulates the processing time

Wait asyncio.sleep (1)

Start the asynchronous activity to send data to the Asyncio thread

choir.run_until_complete (Send_data_Thethead ())

asyncio.get_event_loop (). Run_until_complete (Choroutine (Main ()))



In this code, we define aWebsCketsverver ‘class that establishes a connection with the Binance’s twisted internet websocket library using the’ BinancesCketManager ‘. When an incoming message is received, we print it on the console.

So let’s create a cycle of Asinchio events and start two asynchronous activities: one to send data to the Asyncio thread and another to process the messages received. The function send_data_to_thread 'simulates time sleeping for 1 second between each iteration of receipt of a message.

Finally, we perform both activities simultaneously usingchorus.run_until_complete (Send_data_to_thread ())`.


In this article, we have shown how to create a websocket connection between the Binance Websocket Library and an Asyncio in Python thread. Following the example of the code above, you can create your websocket server that recovers the data from the Binance and sends them to an Asynci thread for processing.

Note that this is just a basic example to start. It may be necessary to change the code to satisfy the specific use case and manage errors in a more robust way.

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